Top Of The Week

The Dangers of Nuclear Testing: A Comprehensive Look

Nuclear testing has been a source of concern for many years, and with good reason. The effects of nuclear testing on...

Is Nuclear Energy the Cleanest Source of Energy?

Fossil fuels are the dirtiest and most dangerous sources of energy, while nuclear power sources and modern renewables are ...

Creating a Safety Conscious Work Environment

Creating a safe and secure work environment is essential for any organization, but especially for those in the nuclear...

Is Nuclear Energy Safe and Clean? A Comprehensive Look

Nuclear energy is often touted as a clean and safe energy source, but is it really? In this article, we'll take a...

Who is Responsible for Nuclear Power Plant Security?

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is responsible for providing regulatory oversight of nuclear power plant safety....

Is Nuclear Energy the Cleanest and Safest Source of Energy?

Fossil fuels are the dirtiest and most dangerous sources of energy, while modern renewable and nuclear energy sources are ...

Recent Posts

Recent Post

Safety Concerns of Nuclear Power: An Expert's Perspective

Nuclear energy has been a source of power for many years, but it has also been a source of controversy due to its...

What are the Odds of a Nuclear Power Plant Blowing Up?

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) works to protect the land, its people, its plants and animals, and the...

Who is Primarily Responsible for the Safe Operation of a Nuclear Installation?

When it comes to nuclear safety, the primary responsibility lies with the organization that operates the nuclear power...

What Are the Chances of a Nuclear Power Plant Explosion?

Using basic statistics, the probability of a core meltdown accident within one year of reactor operation is 4 in 14,816...

The Health Risks of Working in a Nuclear Power Plant

Are you considering a career in the nuclear power industry? It's important to understand the potential health risks...

The Nuclear Submarines at the Bottom of the Ocean

Nine nuclear submarines have been lost to the depths of the ocean, either due to accidents or intentional sinking. The...

What Causes a Nuclear Disaster?

Nuclear fission is the process of splitting huge, unstable atoms, usually radioactive uranium 235, by hitting them with...

Banning Nuclear Weapons: A Historical Perspective

On January 22, a victory for humanity was achieved when the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons came into force. This treaty,...

Editors Picks

The Effects of Nuclear War: How Far Does Radiation Travel From a Nuclear Bomb?

The Effects of Nuclear War: How Far Does Radiation Travel From a Nuclear Bomb?

Nuclear weapons are some of the most powerful and destructive weapons ever created. When detonated, they can cause...

How Often Does a Nuclear Meltdown Happen?

How Often Does a Nuclear Meltdown Happen?

Nuclear energy is one of the safest sources of energy in the world, and there have only been two major accidents at...

How to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Radiation

How to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Radiation

When it comes to nuclear radiation, it's important to be prepared and understand the principles of radiation protection....

The Dangers of Nuclear Submarines

The Dangers of Nuclear Submarines

Nuclear submarines are a powerful tool of modern warfare, but they also come with a great risk. Each submarine carries up ...

How Far is Safe from a Nuclear Blast?

How Far is Safe from a Nuclear Blast?

When it comes to nuclear blasts, the extent of the damage and destruction they can cause is immense. Minor first-degree...

What Happens to Old Nuclear Submarines: A Comprehensive Guide

What Happens to Old Nuclear Submarines: A Comprehensive Guide

When nuclear reactors used to power submarines and aircraft carriers are no longer in use, the Department of Defense is...